Taylor Heffer, PhD Student
Refereed published academic papers
Shahid, H., Heffer, T., Borg, M. E., Buma-Wiens, A., & Willoughby, T. (2022). Differentiating Patterns of Vaping, Alcohol, and Cannabis Use Among Early Adolescents. The Journal of Early Adolescence, 0(0). https://doi.org/10.1177/02724316221116043
Willoughby, T., Heffer, T., & Borg, M. E. (2022). Deliberate self-injury in children and associations with negative adjustment. JAMA pediatrics. doi:10.1001/jamapediatrics.2022.1842
van Noordt, S., Heffer, T., & Willoughby, T. (2022). A developmental examination of medial frontal theta dynamics and inhibitory control. NeuroImage, 246, 118765. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.neuroimage.2021.118765
Heffer, T., & Willoughby, T. (2021). Investigating the consistency of threat-related ERPs among children and adolescents. Cognitive Affective Behavioral Neuroscience. https://doi.org/10.3758/s13415-021-00957-y
Willoughby, T., Heffer, T., Van Noordt S.J.R., Desjardins, J., Segalowitz, S., Schmidt, L., (2021). An ERP investigation of children and adolescents’ sensitivity to wins and losses during a peer observation manipulation. Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.dcn.2021.100995
Willoughby, T., Heffer, T., Good, M., Magnacca, C. (2021). Is adolescence a time of heightened risk taking? An overview of types of risk-taking behaviors across age groups. Developmental Review. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.dr.2021.100980
Willoughby, T., Dykstra, V.W., Heffer, T., Braccio., J. Shahid, H., (2021). A long-term study of what best predicts graduating from university versus leaving prior to graduation. Journal of College Student Retention: Research, Theory & Practice. https://doi.org/10.1177/1521025120987993
Heffer, T., Lundale, C., Wylie, B.E., Willoughby, T. (2021). Investigating sensitivity to threat with the Behavioral Inhibition Scale (BIS) among children, adolescents and adults: The role of negatively-phrased questions. Personality and Individual Differences. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.paid.2020.110416
Heffer, T., & Willoughby, T. (2021). A person-centered examination of emotion dysregulation, sensitivity to threat, and impulsivity among children and adolescents: An ERP study. Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.dcn.2020.100900
Willoughby, T., Heffer, T., Dykstra, V.W., Shahid, H., & Braccio., J. (2020). A person-centred analysis of first-year university students: Associations with psychosocial adjustment across seven years and post-university outcomes. Journal of Youth and Adolescence. 49(12), 2459-2475.
Heffer, T., & Willoughby, T. (2020). A longitudinal study investigating trajectories of sensitivity to threat and their association with alpha asymmetry among children and adolescents. Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.dcn.2020.100863
Heffer, T., & Willoughby, T. (2020). Sensitivity to negative feedback among children and adolescents: An ERP study comparing developmental differences between high-worriers and low-worriers. Cognitive, Affective, & Behavioral Neuroscience, 20, 624-635. https://doi.org/10.3758/s13415-020-00791-8
Heffer, T., Wylie, B.E, & Willoughby, T. (2019). An investigation of adolescents’ reported and self-perceived risk-taking. The Journal of Early Adolescence, 40(6), 772–788. https://doi.org/10.1177/0272431619874404
Heffer, T., Good, M., Daly, O., MacDonell, E., & Willoughby, T. (2019). The longitudinal association between social media use and depressive symptoms among adolescents and young adults: An empirical reply to Twenge et al. (2018). Clinical Psychological Science, 7(3), 462-470. https://doi.org/10.1177/2167702618812727
Heffer, T., & Willoughby, T. (2018). The role of emotion dysregulation: A longitudinal investigation of the interpersonal theory of suicide. Psychiatry Research, 260, 379-383. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.psychres.2017.11.075
Heffer, T., & Willoughby, T. (2017). A count of coping strategies: A longitudinal study investigating an alternative method to understanding coping and adjustment. PloS , 12(10). https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0186057
Willoughby, T., Heffer, T., & Hamza C.A. (2015). The link between nonsuicidal self-injury and acquired capability for suicide: A longitudinal study. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 124(4), 1110-1115. https://doi.org/10.1037/abn0000104
Hamza, C. A., Willoughby, T., & Heffer, T. (2015). Impulsivity and nonsuicidal self-injury: A review and meta-analysis. Clinical Psychology Review, 3813-24. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cpr.2015.02.010.
Manuscripts with Revisions
Heffer, T., & Willoughby, T. (revise and resubmit). Investigating the consistency of threat-related ERPs among children and adolescents. Cognitive Affective Behavioral Neuroscience.
Willoughby, T., Heffer, T., Good, M., & Magnacca, C. (revise and resubmit). Is adolescence a time of heightened risk taking? An overview of types of risk-taking behaviors across age groups. Developmental Review.
Willoughby, T., Heffer, T., Van Noordt S.J.R., Desjardins, J., Segalowitz, S., & Schmidt, L. (revise and resubmit). An ERP investigation of children and adolescents’ sensitivity to wins and losses during a peer observation manipulation. Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience
Van Noordt S.J.R., Heffer, T., Willoughby, T. (revise and resubmit). A developmental examination of medial frontal theta dynamics and inhibitory control. NeuroImage.
Conference Presentations
Heffer, T., Willoughby, T. (2020, September). A person-centered examination of regulation, sensitivity to threat, and impulsivity among children and adolescents: An ERP study. Research accepted to the Virtual FLUX Congress.
Heffer, T., Willoughby, T. (2020, canceled). Investigating Children and Adolescent Worriers’ Neural Sensitivity to Negative Feedback: Comparing Pubertal Status and Grade Level. Research accepted to Society for Research on Adolescence Conference, San Diego, CA.
Heffer, T., Willoughby, T. (2019, September). Right Alpha Activation Moderates the Stability of Punishment Sensitivity Over Time. Research presented at Society for Psychophysiological Research Conference, Washington, DC.
Willoughby, T., Heffer, T., van Noordt, S., Desjardins, J., Segalowitz, S., Schmidt, L. (2019, August). An ERP investigation of children and adolescents’ sensitivity to wins and losses during a perceived peer observation manipulation. Research presented at the FLUX Congress, New York, New York.
Heffer, T., Willoughby, T. (2019, August). Investigating ERP Consistency across Child and Adolescent Worriers in Tasks Measuring Sensitivity to Punishment. Research presented at the FLUX Congress, New York, New York.
Heffer, T., Willoughby, T. (2019, March). An ERP Study Investigating Sensitivity to Punishment among High and Low Worriers. Research presented at the Society for Research on Child Development Conference, Baltimore, Maryland.
Wylie, B., Heffer, T., Willoughby, T. (2019, March). Adolescent Risk-Taking: A Comparison of Self-Reported Behaviors and Self-Perceptions. Research presented at the Society for Research on Child Development Conference, Baltimore, Maryland.
Ilieff, M., Hamza, C. A., Willoughby, T. & Heffer, T. (2019, March). Maladaptive and adaptive perfectionism and nonsuicidal self-injury. Poster presented at the International Society for the Study of Self-Injury.
Heffer, T., Willoughby, T. (2018, May). Investigating the Role of Worry in Children and Adolescents: An EEG Study. Symposium presented at Development 2018 Conference, Brock University.
Heffer, T., Willoughby, T. (2018, May). Worry, Sleep Problems and Alcohol Use: A Longitudinal Study. Research presented at Development 2018 Conference, Brock University.
Willoughby, T., Desjardins, J., Segalowitz, S., Schmidt, L., Heffer, T., Semplonius, T. (2018, May). An ERP Investigation of Children and Adolescents' Sensitivity to Wins and Losses during a Perceived Peer Observation Manipulation. Symposium presented at Development 2018 Conference, Brock University.
Heffer, T., Willoughby, T. (2018, April). A Longitudinal Study of Emotion Regulation and Problem Behaviours. Research presented at Society for Research on Adolescence Conference, Minneapolis Minnesota
Heffer, T., Willoughby, T. (2017, May). The Role of Emotion Dysregulation: A Longitudinal Investigation of the Interpersonal Theory of Suicide. Research presented at Association for Psychological Science Conference, Boston, Massachusetts.
Heffer, T., Willoughby, T. (2017, April). A Count of Coping Strategies: A Longitudinal Study Investigating Repertoire Richness and Adjustment. Research presented at Society for Research in Child Development Conference, Austin, Texas.
Heffer, T., Willoughby, T. (2017, April). The Association between NSSI and Suicide Ideation: The role of Maladaptive Perfectionism. Research presented at Society for Research in Child Development Conference, Austin, Texas.
Heffer, T., Willoughby, T., & Hamza C.A. (2016, March). The link between nonsuicidal self-injury and acquired capability for suicide: A longitudinal study. Research presented at the Society for Research on Adolescence Conference, Baltimore, Maryland.
Heffer, T., Willoughby, T., (2015, April). Investigating Joiner's Theory of Suicide: Identifying Predictors of Suicide Ideation in a Sample of University Students. Annual Ontario Psychology Undergraduate Thesis Conference, London, Ontario, Canada
Refereed published academic papers
Shahid, H., Heffer, T., Borg, M. E., Buma-Wiens, A., & Willoughby, T. (2022). Differentiating Patterns of Vaping, Alcohol, and Cannabis Use Among Early Adolescents. The Journal of Early Adolescence, 0(0). https://doi.org/10.1177/02724316221116043
Willoughby, T., Heffer, T., & Borg, M. E. (2022). Deliberate self-injury in children and associations with negative adjustment. JAMA pediatrics. doi:10.1001/jamapediatrics.2022.1842
van Noordt, S., Heffer, T., & Willoughby, T. (2022). A developmental examination of medial frontal theta dynamics and inhibitory control. NeuroImage, 246, 118765. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.neuroimage.2021.118765
Heffer, T., & Willoughby, T. (2021). Investigating the consistency of threat-related ERPs among children and adolescents. Cognitive Affective Behavioral Neuroscience. https://doi.org/10.3758/s13415-021-00957-y
Willoughby, T., Heffer, T., Van Noordt S.J.R., Desjardins, J., Segalowitz, S., Schmidt, L., (2021). An ERP investigation of children and adolescents’ sensitivity to wins and losses during a peer observation manipulation. Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.dcn.2021.100995
Willoughby, T., Heffer, T., Good, M., Magnacca, C. (2021). Is adolescence a time of heightened risk taking? An overview of types of risk-taking behaviors across age groups. Developmental Review. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.dr.2021.100980
Willoughby, T., Dykstra, V.W., Heffer, T., Braccio., J. Shahid, H., (2021). A long-term study of what best predicts graduating from university versus leaving prior to graduation. Journal of College Student Retention: Research, Theory & Practice. https://doi.org/10.1177/1521025120987993
Heffer, T., Lundale, C., Wylie, B.E., Willoughby, T. (2021). Investigating sensitivity to threat with the Behavioral Inhibition Scale (BIS) among children, adolescents and adults: The role of negatively-phrased questions. Personality and Individual Differences. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.paid.2020.110416
Heffer, T., & Willoughby, T. (2021). A person-centered examination of emotion dysregulation, sensitivity to threat, and impulsivity among children and adolescents: An ERP study. Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.dcn.2020.100900
Willoughby, T., Heffer, T., Dykstra, V.W., Shahid, H., & Braccio., J. (2020). A person-centred analysis of first-year university students: Associations with psychosocial adjustment across seven years and post-university outcomes. Journal of Youth and Adolescence. 49(12), 2459-2475.
Heffer, T., & Willoughby, T. (2020). A longitudinal study investigating trajectories of sensitivity to threat and their association with alpha asymmetry among children and adolescents. Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.dcn.2020.100863
Heffer, T., & Willoughby, T. (2020). Sensitivity to negative feedback among children and adolescents: An ERP study comparing developmental differences between high-worriers and low-worriers. Cognitive, Affective, & Behavioral Neuroscience, 20, 624-635. https://doi.org/10.3758/s13415-020-00791-8
Heffer, T., Wylie, B.E, & Willoughby, T. (2019). An investigation of adolescents’ reported and self-perceived risk-taking. The Journal of Early Adolescence, 40(6), 772–788. https://doi.org/10.1177/0272431619874404
Heffer, T., Good, M., Daly, O., MacDonell, E., & Willoughby, T. (2019). The longitudinal association between social media use and depressive symptoms among adolescents and young adults: An empirical reply to Twenge et al. (2018). Clinical Psychological Science, 7(3), 462-470. https://doi.org/10.1177/2167702618812727
- This work is included as one of the most read articles in this journal in the last 6 months
Heffer, T., & Willoughby, T. (2018). The role of emotion dysregulation: A longitudinal investigation of the interpersonal theory of suicide. Psychiatry Research, 260, 379-383. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.psychres.2017.11.075
Heffer, T., & Willoughby, T. (2017). A count of coping strategies: A longitudinal study investigating an alternative method to understanding coping and adjustment. PloS , 12(10). https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0186057
Willoughby, T., Heffer, T., & Hamza C.A. (2015). The link between nonsuicidal self-injury and acquired capability for suicide: A longitudinal study. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 124(4), 1110-1115. https://doi.org/10.1037/abn0000104
Hamza, C. A., Willoughby, T., & Heffer, T. (2015). Impulsivity and nonsuicidal self-injury: A review and meta-analysis. Clinical Psychology Review, 3813-24. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cpr.2015.02.010.
Manuscripts with Revisions
Heffer, T., & Willoughby, T. (revise and resubmit). Investigating the consistency of threat-related ERPs among children and adolescents. Cognitive Affective Behavioral Neuroscience.
Willoughby, T., Heffer, T., Good, M., & Magnacca, C. (revise and resubmit). Is adolescence a time of heightened risk taking? An overview of types of risk-taking behaviors across age groups. Developmental Review.
Willoughby, T., Heffer, T., Van Noordt S.J.R., Desjardins, J., Segalowitz, S., & Schmidt, L. (revise and resubmit). An ERP investigation of children and adolescents’ sensitivity to wins and losses during a peer observation manipulation. Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience
Van Noordt S.J.R., Heffer, T., Willoughby, T. (revise and resubmit). A developmental examination of medial frontal theta dynamics and inhibitory control. NeuroImage.
Conference Presentations
Heffer, T., Willoughby, T. (2020, September). A person-centered examination of regulation, sensitivity to threat, and impulsivity among children and adolescents: An ERP study. Research accepted to the Virtual FLUX Congress.
Heffer, T., Willoughby, T. (2020, canceled). Investigating Children and Adolescent Worriers’ Neural Sensitivity to Negative Feedback: Comparing Pubertal Status and Grade Level. Research accepted to Society for Research on Adolescence Conference, San Diego, CA.
Heffer, T., Willoughby, T. (2019, September). Right Alpha Activation Moderates the Stability of Punishment Sensitivity Over Time. Research presented at Society for Psychophysiological Research Conference, Washington, DC.
Willoughby, T., Heffer, T., van Noordt, S., Desjardins, J., Segalowitz, S., Schmidt, L. (2019, August). An ERP investigation of children and adolescents’ sensitivity to wins and losses during a perceived peer observation manipulation. Research presented at the FLUX Congress, New York, New York.
Heffer, T., Willoughby, T. (2019, August). Investigating ERP Consistency across Child and Adolescent Worriers in Tasks Measuring Sensitivity to Punishment. Research presented at the FLUX Congress, New York, New York.
Heffer, T., Willoughby, T. (2019, March). An ERP Study Investigating Sensitivity to Punishment among High and Low Worriers. Research presented at the Society for Research on Child Development Conference, Baltimore, Maryland.
Wylie, B., Heffer, T., Willoughby, T. (2019, March). Adolescent Risk-Taking: A Comparison of Self-Reported Behaviors and Self-Perceptions. Research presented at the Society for Research on Child Development Conference, Baltimore, Maryland.
Ilieff, M., Hamza, C. A., Willoughby, T. & Heffer, T. (2019, March). Maladaptive and adaptive perfectionism and nonsuicidal self-injury. Poster presented at the International Society for the Study of Self-Injury.
Heffer, T., Willoughby, T. (2018, May). Investigating the Role of Worry in Children and Adolescents: An EEG Study. Symposium presented at Development 2018 Conference, Brock University.
Heffer, T., Willoughby, T. (2018, May). Worry, Sleep Problems and Alcohol Use: A Longitudinal Study. Research presented at Development 2018 Conference, Brock University.
Willoughby, T., Desjardins, J., Segalowitz, S., Schmidt, L., Heffer, T., Semplonius, T. (2018, May). An ERP Investigation of Children and Adolescents' Sensitivity to Wins and Losses during a Perceived Peer Observation Manipulation. Symposium presented at Development 2018 Conference, Brock University.
Heffer, T., Willoughby, T. (2018, April). A Longitudinal Study of Emotion Regulation and Problem Behaviours. Research presented at Society for Research on Adolescence Conference, Minneapolis Minnesota
Heffer, T., Willoughby, T. (2017, May). The Role of Emotion Dysregulation: A Longitudinal Investigation of the Interpersonal Theory of Suicide. Research presented at Association for Psychological Science Conference, Boston, Massachusetts.
Heffer, T., Willoughby, T. (2017, April). A Count of Coping Strategies: A Longitudinal Study Investigating Repertoire Richness and Adjustment. Research presented at Society for Research in Child Development Conference, Austin, Texas.
Heffer, T., Willoughby, T. (2017, April). The Association between NSSI and Suicide Ideation: The role of Maladaptive Perfectionism. Research presented at Society for Research in Child Development Conference, Austin, Texas.
Heffer, T., Willoughby, T., & Hamza C.A. (2016, March). The link between nonsuicidal self-injury and acquired capability for suicide: A longitudinal study. Research presented at the Society for Research on Adolescence Conference, Baltimore, Maryland.
Heffer, T., Willoughby, T., (2015, April). Investigating Joiner's Theory of Suicide: Identifying Predictors of Suicide Ideation in a Sample of University Students. Annual Ontario Psychology Undergraduate Thesis Conference, London, Ontario, Canada